Industrial expansion has transformed across centuries with greater efficiency. From the mid nineteenth century Industrial revolution till now, science and technology has modified a million lives across the continents. Farming was a specific field that could retain indigenous methods for a while, but with the rise in population and a subsequent rise in demands of the growing population resulted in the ditching
of traditional methods for much more technologically powered ones.
Rise in the farming advancements ushered in an era of agricultural magnificence. International Tractors Limited (ITL) brought in a new wave to this upsurge through farming excellence through the best of efficient tractors. Sonalika and Solis, the two major innovative wings of ITL have contributed to the farming innovation with great zeal. Equipped with functionality and technical support, Solis tractors, in
particular, has transformed the dreams of farmers into reality. With a wide array of champion tractors for the field, Solis tractors ranging from 20 hp to 120 hp have simplified the lives of millions of farmers.